It’s that age old dilemma. What on earth do you get your adventure bum of a friend who has everything they could possibly need? Or rephrased — what adventure gift do you get your buddy that won’t cost you the earth? Cause let’s face it, good outdoor gear is priiiiiiicy. How about a surprise adventure box from Wild Inspiration Boxes?
Simply put, Wild Inspiration Boxes sends you or your friend a box full of adventurous surprises once a month. Ever since I discovered Graze, I’ve been waiting for someone to kick start an organisation that sends random adventure goodies to you every month. And now someone has.
And seriously, getting a box full of exciting goodies to inspire your next adventure — what could be better? So far boxes have included Alastair Humphreys’ Grand Adventures book, adventure movies (like Seaside Donkey), snacks for the trail, adventure kit and other handy bits and bobs.
And if you’re not entirely sure you want to dive in the deep end and order something without knowing what’s inside, the team posts an image on their each month showing you exactly what’s in the box. Or of course, if you like the element of surprise, you could just not look!
You can choose between a Wild Monthly Box for £24.99 or an Absolute Quarterly Box for £68.85. The monthly box contains 5-9 items and the absolute box contains 13-15 items and is guaranteed to include a book, a movie, pieces of new kit and tasty snacks, plus a few extra adventure goodies.
Some boxes may not be everything you hoped and dreamed, but they’re there to get your brain buzzing and inspire new adventures. I particularly liked the Norwegian adventure film Bear Island (online version) we received in our box.
So if you’re up for some adventure inspiration, you can find Wild Inspiration Boxes on , , and .
This looks like a cool idea. Will have to keep an eye on the boxes over the next few months and see what sort of things they have! Hope you enjoyed the trek bar!!!!
You should do that for sure! I thought it was a pretty neat idea too 🙂 PS. The Trek Bar was delish!